We are now fully integrated with Magento, Shopware and Shopify!

AMAZD is more than a team.

Our values are the heart of everything we do. They define the behaviors we expect everyone to engage with and live by. They drive our performance as individuals, as teams, and as an organization. They inspire the way we work with each other and our partners. They inspire us in the way we communicate and present ourselves, both internally and externally.

We don't accept the status quo

Everything can be changed and improved. There are no limits in improving the shopping experience and putting a cherry on top: Making it fun!

We are in it together

Team play includes our customers, their customers basically everybody.
We run a complementary team of highly skilled individuals

We learn & evolve day by day

We celebrate failure as long as we learn from it and adapt. Change is the only constant and standstill is backwardation and will make us meaningless